Children and teenagers
When you arrive at the practice for the first time, we will ask you to complete a short questionnaire that will help us to find out more about you and how you feel about the appearance of your teeth. You will then be shown into the surgery by one of our orthodontic nurses to meet your orthodontist, who will have a look at your teeth and will make some notes on the computer about your teeth. After this assessment we may take a radiograph (x-ray), photographs and impressions of your teeth.
We will then explain how orthodontic treatment may improve the appearance of your teeth and the ideal timing for any proposed orthodontic treatment. You can then consider whether NHS or self-funded orthodontic treatment would suit you best.
If you still have a number of deciduous (baby) teeth present, we may suggest that we see you in a year or two when more of your permanent (adult) teeth have erupted into the mouth.
Should you decide that you do not want to wear a brace, we will explain what is likely to happen if you do not undergo orthodontic treatment.